Stanbic Bank Ghana Invests Heavily In Mining, Metals and Energy Sectors

Stanbic Bank Ghana has been a major player in driving Ghana’s economic growth by investing heavily in the country’s mining, metals and energy sectors.

Over the past five years, the bank has committed a staggering US$1.1 billion to these crucial industries.

Supporting Large and Small Mining Operations

Facilitating Expansion and Environmental Compliance

Stanbic Bank has also offered significant financial solutions to gold mining companies:

Investing in the Power Sector

Stanbic Bank’s contributions extend beyond mining. They have also made impactful investments in the power sector:

Recommendations for Continued Growth

Lorraine Mac-Pods, Senior Vice President of Mining and Metals at Stanbic Bank, emphasized the importance of government collaboration for these sectors to reach their full potential. She highlighted the need for:

By implementing these recommendations, Ghana can create a thriving environment for the mining, metals and energy sectors, ultimately benefiting both the country and its citizens.

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