
Mahama Vows to Recover Stolen Wealth, Tackle Corruption If Elected

Former President John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), in a live broadcast on Monday, pledged to wage a fierce battle against corruption and retrieve monies and properties acquired through illicit means if he wins the December 7 general elections.

Mahama lamented the rampant corruption and flagrant disregard for fiscal discipline under the Akufo-Addo-led administration, promising to leave no stone unturned in recovering unlawfully acquired wealth. He bemoaned the rising cases of corruption, citing the controversial case of former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Dapaah’s stolen $1 million, which was reportedly stashed in her Abelemkpe residence.

“The youth of Ghana are witnessing the opulence of NPP officials and their families, chartering private jets at $20,000 per hour, while our own Falcon Executive Jet is left unused,” Mahama said. “It is unacceptable that a minister could stash millions of dollars in her home, and we can only imagine the full extent of Ghanaian taxpayers’ money that has been stashed away by many others.”

Mahama promised to foster collaborations with relevant authorities and international anti-corruption partners to retrieve every single cedi unlawfully taken from taxpayers. “We shall do all that is humanly possible to retrieve such wrongly acquired wealth,” he emphasized.

The former president’s promise comes as part of his “Mahama Conversations” series, ahead of the upcoming polls. Mahama’s campaign has focused on tackling corruption, promoting economic development, and ensuring fiscal discipline.

“We need to restore the confidence of Ghanaians in their government,” Mahama said. “We will work tirelessly to ensure that corruption is tackled head-on, and those who have wrongly enriched themselves are held accountable.”

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