
Prince Harry Wins Appeal Right In Security Downgrade Case

Story Highlights
  • Prince Harry granted permission to appeal a High Court decision
  • The High Court initially dismissed Harry's case
  • Harry argues for a fair and lawful application

Prince Harry has been granted permission to appeal a High Court decision that upheld the government’s downgrading of his security detail when he visits the UK.

Background of the Dispute

In 2020, after stepping back from royal duties, Harry challenged the Home Office’s decision to change his security status. He argued the new arrangements were insufficient and didn’t consider his specific threats.

Previous Court Rulings

The High Court initially dismissed Harry’s case in February 2024, finding the decision lawful. Permission to appeal this ruling was also denied in April 2024.

Appeal Granted

However, Harry’s lawyers successfully applied directly to the Court of Appeal, which has now agreed to hear his case. This means he can challenge the High Court’s dismissal.

Key Points

  • Harry argues for a “fair and lawful application” of security protocols, ensuring equal consideration with other royals.
  • Previously, Harry and Meghan received full, taxpayer-funded security as senior royals.
  • This legal battle is one of several lawsuits Harry has launched, including those against the British press.

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