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“Foreign Minister Pays Official Visit to Malaysia to Strengthen Ties”

Story Highlights
  • Ghana's Foreign Minister visits Malaysia to boost ties.
  • Ministers discuss cooperation in tech, energy, and agriculture.
  • Minister stresses youth engagement in governance.
  • Diplomatic ties strengthened with ambassadors' meeting.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, embarked on a working visit to Malaysia on Thursday, June 6, 2024. During her visit, she held bilateral talks with her Malaysian counterpart, H.E. Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad Bin Haji Hasan.

The two ministers discussed ways to strengthen existing relations between Ghana and Malaysia, given their shared colonial heritage. Their discussions focused on exploring new areas of cooperation, including technology transfer, renewable energy, and agriculture.

They also shared best practices and explored ways to mutually benefit from each other’s experiences. Madam Ayorkor Botchwey emphasized the importance of youth engagement and participation in governance, considering their significant representation in global populations.

She stressed that the concerns and aspirations of younger generations should be effectively addressed in policy-making to foster more inclusive governance. The Minister also spoke about her candidature for the position of Secretary-General of the Commonwealth and shared her vision for a transformational agenda.

Her vision aims to build resilience to confront contemporary challenges, stagnating economies, inequality, youth unemployment, climate disasters, and threats to democracy and human rights. During her visit, she also interacted with resident High Commissioners and Ambassadors serving in Malaysia, further strengthening diplomatic ties.

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