
Electricity Restored In Jachie After Three-Week Blackout

Residents and business owners in Jachie, Ashanti Region, are breathing a sigh of relief as electricity supply has been restored after a prolonged three-week outage. The community was plunged into darkness following a devastating rainstorm that ravaged the area, destroying electricity poles, injuring several people, and claiming the life of a 16-year-old girl.

The storm, which hit the area three weeks ago, left a trail of destruction, ripping off roofs, damaging properties, and disrupting daily life. Businesses and households were severely affected, with significant losses incurred. The prolonged outage had a devastating impact on the local economy, with many businesses forced to shut down temporarily.

However, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has successfully restored power to the area, bringing relief to the community. Residents and business owners are thrilled, expressing gratitude to ECG for their prompt response.

“We are very happy; God bless ECG for restoring the power for us. The outage really affected our work, so we are very happy now that it’s been resolved,” said a local business owner.

While celebrating the return of electricity, business owners are also urging ECG to improve their response time to power-related complaints, minimizing the impact of future outages on businesses and daily life.

The restoration of electricity has brought a sense of normalcy back to Jachie, with businesses reopening and residents able to go about their daily lives without the hassle of a blackout.

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