
“Ghanaians Want a Plan, Not Promises” – Alan Kyerematen

Story Highlights
  • Alan Kyerematen blames systemic failures for cedi depreciation
  • He proposes export boost and forex regulation to stabilize cedi
  • - Kyerematen calls for national development plan

The founder and leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen, has attributed the depreciation of the Ghana Cedi to systemic failures and a lack of faith in the economy. During his Eastern Region tour on Monday, Mr. Kyerematen proposed measures to restore the Cedi’s value, emphasizing the need to regulate forex bureaus and boost exports.

“The strength of the cedi is dependent on the demand and supply of foreign exchange. There is no other way unless you produce and export…it is a systemic failure for a long time,” he stated, highlighting the need for a fundamental shift in Ghana’s economic approach. Mr. Kyerematen also urged Ghanaians to shift their focus from unfulfilled manifesto promises to a national development plan, prioritizing significant constitutional reform.

He emphasized the need for continuity in governance, stating, “Ghanaians are tired, they want a plan not promises…we want a national plan where Ghanaians are in the know of where the country is headed. For the next 30 to 50 years, every party that assumes office would continue with whatever they meet.” This call for a national development plan reflects Mr. Kyerematen’s vision for a more collaborative and sustainable approach to governance, one that prioritizes the needs of all Ghanaians over political party interests.

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