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Donald Trump Joins TikTok, App He Once Tried To Ban As US President

Story Highlights
  • Trump's decision to join TikTok marks a significant shift
  • Trump's account quickly gained popularity
  • Trump's embrace of TikTok underscores the recognition within political circles

Once a staunch critic of TikTok, former President Donald Trump has made a surprising move by joining the video-sharing app.

Trump, who previously attempted to ban TikTok during his presidency due to its Chinese ownership, has now made his debut on the platform, accompanied by Dana White, CEO of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

In his inaugural TikTok video, Trump expressed his gratitude, stating, “It’s my honor.” The footage features snippets from Trump’s appearance at a recent UFC event in Newark, New Jersey, where he received a warm welcome from supporters despite facing legal challenges.

Despite his past efforts to restrict TikTok’s presence in the United States, Trump’s account quickly gained traction, accumulating over 3 million followers within a short period.

During his time in office, Trump cited national security concerns regarding TikTok’s ties to a Chinese parent company, leading to attempts to impose a ban through executive orders.

Although legislative efforts to address the app’s ownership gained momentum, Trump shifted his stance, suggesting that banning TikTok would unfairly benefit competitors like Facebook.

Even Trump’s political apparatus, represented by his super PAC, has recently embraced TikTok as a platform to promote his “America First” agenda.

This strategic move underscores the evolving landscape of digital campaigning, as both Trump and his successor, President Biden, recognize the importance of engaging with younger voters through platforms like TikTok.

Despite the political divergence on TikTok, both Trump and Biden’s campaigns recognize its potential to connect with a crucial demographic ahead of the upcoming elections.

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