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“Dafeamekpor Queries Justice’s Role in Jakpa-Dame Case

Story Highlights
  • Dafeamekpor seeks statement on Justice Kulendi's role.
  • Jakpa accuses Dame of interference.
  • Professor calls out Ghana Bar Association.
  • NDC claims political persecution.

Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, the South Dayi lawmaker, has called on the Judicial Service to issue a statement regarding the alleged involvement of Supreme Court Justice Yonny Kulendi in a meeting between Attorney-General Godfred Dame and Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the Ato Forson trial.

Jakpa had accused Dame of attempting to influence him to testify against Dr. Ato Forson, which the Attorney-General’s office denied, stating that Jakpa had ambushed Dame at the residence of Justice Kulendi.

A 16-minute audio recording of a phone conversation between Dame and Jakpa, released by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), also mentioned Justice Kulendi, who is reportedly the brother of the third accused.

Dafeamekpor expressed his expectations on the Key Points on TV3, saying, “I expect the Judicial Service to issue a statement on Justice Kulendi in the matter.”

He also criticized the Attorney-General, stating, “You can’t be meeting an accused person you are viciously proceeding against in the home of another person.”

Professor Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua, a University of Ghana Law School professor, also weighed in on the matter, calling on the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) to speak out against the allegations made against the Attorney-General.

He stated that the allegations raise credibility issues for the A-G if proven true and suggested that the A-G should resign.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has described the court action against Dr. Ato Forson as persecution, with Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketia stating that the government has been “persecuting” Dr. Forson since 2021.

The NDC held a press conference to address the matter, correcting what they termed “deliberate falsehood” by the Attorney-General and New Patriotic Party (NPP) propagandists.

The Minority Leader, Dr. Ato Forson, and two others are standing trial for willfully causing a financial loss to the state through a contract to purchase ambulances for the Ministry of Health.

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