Free SHS: COCOBOD Ends Scholarship Program

The Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) has announced the termination of its long-standing scholarship scheme, citing the government’s implementation of the Free Senior High School (SHS) initiative. In its place, the board has established the Cocoa Board Education Trust, aimed at providing critical primary school infrastructure in underserved cocoa-growing communities.

According to COCOBOD Chairman Peter Mac Manu, the decision to terminate the scholarship scheme was necessary due to the impact of the Free SHS initiative. “With the advent of the free SHS by the Akufo-Addo administration, it’s time for us to adapt and evolve. The COCOBOD Scholarship Scheme, while a notable and valuable programme, has naturally lost its core purpose,” he explained.

The COCOBOD Scholarship Scheme had provided financial support to students from cocoa-farming communities for many years. However, with the introduction of the Free SHS initiative, the board has decided to redirect its resources towards providing essential primary school infrastructure in underserved areas.

The newly inaugurated Cocoa Board Education Trust aims to establish model basic schools in cocoa-growing communities. According to Peter Mac Manu, the trust demonstrates the board’s unwavering commitment to the prosperity and well-being of cocoa farmers and their children. “As we bid farewell to the Scholarship Scheme, we must look forward and prioritise the continued educational advancement of the cocoa farming community. It’s with this vision that the board of directors has decided to establish the Ghana Cocoa Board Education Trust… The primary objective of the Education Trust is clearly to focus on providing essential primary school infrastructure in underserved cocoa-growing areas.”

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