In a heart-wrenching incident, two young lives were lost in a devastating fire that swept through their residence in Akyem Oda, Eastern Region. T
he victims, identified as Clement Agyei, aged 6, and Desmond Agyei, aged 4, tragically perished in the blaze, while their mother and another sibling sustained severe injuries.
The fire, which erupted in their three-bedroom house late on Sunday, May 12, 2024, caused extensive property damage amounting to thousands of Ghana Cedis.
Despite valiant rescue attempts by local youths, the arrival of the Ghana National Fire Service came too late to save the two children.
Eyewitness accounts suggest that the fire may have been triggered by an electrical fault, as the house had recently been connected to electricity.
The community remains in shock and mourning over the loss of these young lives, highlighting the urgent need for improved fire safety measures and prompt emergency response in the region.