City News

Kumasi: Suame Magazine Artisans Take to the Streets to Protest Eviction Notice

Hundreds of artisans at the Suame Magazine industrial hub in Kumasi took to the streets yesterday to protest a court order to evacuate their operational space, following a reported sale to a private developer.

At least 15,000 artisans at Zone 13 of the industrial enclave risk losing their source of livelihood, despite claiming legitimate permission to ply their trade and vocation on the parcel of land. The artisans argue that a legislative instrument grants them authorization to occupy the land.

The court ruling, ordering the eviction of over 15,000 Suame Magazine artisans operating at the Zone 13 enclave, has sparked growing agitation among affected workers. The verdict is connected to a case filed by the Gosei Group, claiming to have acquired the parcel of land from the Lands Commission.

“We have the legitimate authorization to occupy the land. The government and traditional leaders placed an executive instrument on the land. We have since been occupying it. All of a sudden, they are telling us someone has bought the land,” said Eric Arhin, Chairman of Zone 13.

The aggrieved artisans say they will be deprived of their daily source of income if evacuated, and are calling on the government and appropriate authorities to intervene. “Where do you want me to get money to fend for myself and family? We plead with leadership to come to our aid. We have SHS and university graduates working here. Where do you want them to work now? If they don’t advise themselves, we won’t vote for them,” one of the artisans said.

Leadership at the industrial enclave has assured the artisans of a swift intervention by the government. “I’m equally a victim of the unfortunate eviction notice served to us. But because the case is in court, we have to respect the court. The Vice President will intervene to get this issue resolved for peace to resume in Zone 13. Let’s not do anything that will destabilize peace in Magazine,” said Kwabena Nsenkyire, a leader.

The artisans are urging the government to intervene and resolve the issue to prevent further agitation and potential loss of livelihoods.

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