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Kenya Red Cross Confirms all Residents safe after Building Collapse in Nairobi

A five-story building collapsed in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, on Tuesday night, prompting a large-scale rescue operation spearheaded by the Kenya Red Cross.

The collapsed building, located in Uthiru, on the outskirts of the city, initially sparked fears of numerous individuals trapped under the rubble, according to initial reports.

However, by Wednesday morning, the Kenya Red Cross confirmed that all occupants of the building had been safely located. The aid agency reported treating ten individuals for minor injuries at the scene.

Videos circulated online depicted the apartment block leaning precariously to one side, prompting immediate concern among onlookers.

Bramwel Simiyu, the chief officer of Nairobi’s disaster management, reassured the public regarding reports of four missing residents, including a 10-year-old girl. According to The Star news website, Simiyu stated that all 34 residents had been located and were unharmed.

Simiyu explained that the building had exhibited signs of gradual sinking, allowing all residents to evacuate safely. However, he announced plans to deploy military sniffer dogs to ascertain if any individuals remained trapped within the debris.

Kenya has been grappling with unusually heavy rains since March, resulting in significant casualties and displacements. The ongoing downpours have claimed the lives of 238 people and displaced over 235,000 others across the East African nation.

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