“I didn’t know marriage could be this sweet” – Kalybos

Ghanaian funnyman Kalybos isn’t just known for cracking up audiences – he’s now beaming with marital bliss! Having tied the knot in November 2023, Kalybos recently opened up about his newfound joy, revealing a side fans might not have seen before.

In a candid interview, Kalybos shed light on his married life, his voice filled with a warmth that radiated through the studio. “Marriage? It’s sweeter than I ever imagined,” he confessed. “Waking up every day knowing someone cares for you so deeply, puts your needs before even their own – that’s a beautiful feeling I never knew existed.” His regret? “Maybe waiting this long,” Kalybos admitted with a chuckle. “If I knew marriage was this fulfilling, I would have done it three years ago!”

The interview took a hilarious turn when Kalybos, joined by his longtime screen partner Ahuofe Patri, delved into the details of their wedding day. Apparently, Kalybos had a secret weapon up his sleeve – a surprise that left even his closest friends speechless. “The best man?” Kalybos said with a sly grin, “That was Ahuofe all along!”

This bombshell revelation certainly wasn’t part of the script for the groomsmen. Prince David Osei, Bismark The Joke, and James Gardiner, all known for their comedic timing, had reportedly prepared elaborate speeches, each vying for the coveted ‘best man’ spot. Kalybos’ announcement left them scrambling, their finely tuned jokes needing a quick rewrite. In the end, a flustered but ever-game Ahuofe Patri rose to the occasion, delivering a heartfelt toast that left the room roaring with laughter and applause.

However, the internet, it seemed, wasn’t quite ready for this comedic twist. Social media erupted with speculation, some users mistakenly assuming the best man role hinted at a deeper romantic connection between Kalybos and Ahuofe. Ahuofe, ever the gracious sport, addressed the online chatter during the interview. “There were definitely some mixed reactions,” she admitted with a laugh. “But hey, that’s the beauty of social media, always keeping things interesting!”

Through it all, Kalybos and Ahuofe’s camaraderie shone brightly. Their playful banter and easy chemistry hinted at a strong bond, one that has undoubtedly translated into a successful on-screen partnership and a supportive friendship off-screen. Whether Kalybos will inspire a wave of unconventional best man choices remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure – his marriage and his unique wedding twist have certainly given Ghanaians a story to remember, filled with laughter, love, and a dash of delightful surprise.

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