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Cecilia Dapaah probe questioned: Needs FBI findings

Story Highlights
  • Ghana's opposition party NDC wants a deeper look into a corruption case involving former minister Cecilia Dapaah
  • Concerns were raised about the way the case was investigated by the Special Prosecutor.
  • The NDC believes the investigation might be incomplete because the FBI's involvement was not clear.
  • The NDC's presidential candidate, Mahama, promised to revisit the case if elected.

Ghana’s main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), is calling for a more thorough investigation into a corruption case involving former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Dapaah.

This comes after John Dramani Mahama, the NDC’s presidential candidate, pledged to revisit the case if elected in the 2024 elections.

The head of the NDC’s legal team, Godwin Edudzi Tameklo, raised concerns about the way the case was handled by the Special Prosecutor. The Special Prosecutor started investigating the case but then transferred the money laundering aspect to a different agency, the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO).

Tameklo pointed out that the Special Prosecutor had previously suggested the suspect, Ms. Dapaah, might have received money from her niece in the United States. Because of this, the Special Prosecutor indicated the FBI’s involvement was needed to investigate the source of the funds.

Tameklo’s question is whether the FBI finished their investigation before EOCO sent the case to the Attorney General’s office for advice.

He believes this is an important question because it means the investigation might not be complete. He supports Mahama’s decision to reopen the case if elected because there are still unanswered questions.

Tameklo specifically wants to know if the FBI finished their part of the investigation. He says that until this and other questions are answered, the investigation remains incomplete. This, according to Tameklo, justifies Mahama’s promise to take another look at the case if he becomes president.

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