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Ghana Registers 31 Fresh Cases of COVID-19

Story Highlights
  • The Ghana Health Service has identified an additional 31 cases of COVID-19 within the country in the past week.
  • Dr. Kwame Amponsah-Achiano, Programmes Manager at the Expanded Programme on Immunization, assures the public that these cases are not severe.
  • In response to the surge, the Ghana Health Service announces a vaccination campaign beginning on Sunday, May 5, as part of their ongoing efforts to contain the virus.

The Ghana Health Service has documented 31 additional instances of COVID-19 within the nation over the past week. Dr. Kwame Amponsah-Achiano, the Programmes Manager at the Expanded Programme on Immunization within the Ghana Health Service, reassured that these cases are not severe.

Speaking to the press in Accra, Dr. Amponsah-Achiano emphasized that the Ghana Health Service will launch a vaccination campaign starting on Sunday, May 5, aimed at curbing the virus’s spread.

“In recent days, we’ve observed a notable uptick in cases, around 30 or 31. However, this isn’t unexpected. As we’ve consistently emphasized, COVID-19 is now a part of our reality,” Dr. Amponsah-Achiano stated.

He added, “We haven’t relinquished our efforts in vaccination. As you’re likely aware, from May 5th to May 9th, we’ll be conducting another round of COVID vaccination. This national initiative is a key component of our strategy to minimize the impact of COVID-19.”

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